
The Significance of Education for Children of Contemporary Muslim Family


Development of knowledge and technology bring positive and negative impacts on children so that the parents are demanded to educate the children with religious values for their character building. The negative impacts of the development are destruction of children’s personal development (morals) in their family life, particularly secularism. The way to avoid the secularism toward children is through family education as children’s primary education. This, children’s education of contemporary Muslim family is necessary. The statements were declared by Tati Nurhayati in dissertation defense of Graduate School of Islamic Education Psychology of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY).

The defense was conducted on Saturday (21/11) at Building A.R. Fachruddin A floor 5 of UMY. The defense examiners were Prof. Dr. Usman Abubakar, M.A., Dr. Muhammad Anis, M.A., Prof. Dr. Siswanto Masruri, M.A., Prof. Dr. Muhammad Chirzin, Mag., Dr. Arif Budi Raharjo, M.Si., and Dr. Muhammad Azhar, M.A.

Tati’s disertation entitled ‘Children’s Education of Contemporary Muslim Family (Case Study of a Family that the Father and Mother Work at Perumahan Mega Nusa Endah Karyamulya Cirebon)’. Children’s behaviors showed how their parents educate them. If the parents internalize consistently good values and intellectual education, the children will behave well including their intellect. “Parents’ roles are necessary to communicate well to the children and educate them. Thus, the children will become faithful and smart humans as well as will have valuable skills for children to run their life. in the era of contemporary Muslim family, most parents are busy with their activities so that children’s education are believed in school or housemaids.

Tati inserted that how parents educate the children can be carried out through selecting supporting media like direct approach, creating learning materials as children’s intellectual development, and understanding children’s emotion, social behaviors, and spiritual. “Parents can educate their children using methods of providing examples, advice, warning, rational education, and affection so that the children will feel safe and comfortable living in their family environment. Parents possess essential roles of family education that there is dimension that other people cannot share, and parents have their own authority,” she inserted.

Additionally, according to Prof. Dr. Usman Abubakar, M.A., doctors focusing on family education in Indonesia are a few since family essentially is the foremost pillar of a nation. “I think that education for family, particularly children, is vital to construct children’s good behaviors and personality. Family education, especially contemporary Muslim family education, is rare so that I expected that Tati Haryati can develop and continue the dissertation of family education as a doctor concerning with family education,” he stated.

Usman informed that there have been 23 doctors graduating from UMY. Tati Nurhati herself achieved ‘A’ with ‘excellent’ predicate based on the dissertation supervisor’s and examiners’ decree.