ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015 provides occasions for not only entrepreneurs but also doctors. This AEC 2015 would be an opportunity for foreign doctors to come to Indonesia, so that doctors in Indonesia are required to be able to be superior and create good relationship with patients. Moreover, the doctors should be more professional since it has been assumed that doctors in Indonesia are not professional yet. The appraisal is caused by too far relationship between doctors and patients.
It was stated by Prof. Dr. Bambang Cipto, M. A., Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) when delivering his remark in Inauguration and Taking an Oath of Doctors batch 43, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FKIK) UMY. The Oath was attended by 90 prospective doctors and took place in Sportorium UMY on Saturday (17/01).
“You have to be superior and professional because we would participate in ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) so that who will be doctors here are not only us but also foreign doctors. I read a lot in media that doctors in Indonesia has not entirely been professional since they are proud of their status as doctors. The space between doctors and patients is too far, for instance doctors sometimes are hard to smile to the patients. It is very different from other countries as Thailand. I wish that you could be inferior doctors who are able to coin good relationship with patients,” he conveyed.
Furthermore, Bambang added that Thailand is well known for one of the best nations in the development of medical tourism because of the appreciation for patients. Thus, Indonesian doctors should learn ethics related to patients and foreign languages to support the quality of doctors in the future. According to Bambang, Indonesia has a chance to be one of the medical tourism which would be developed by government in the future.
“Thailand is now well known for the only one and the greatest nation in the development of medical tourism. The nation appreciates patients so that many foreigners are interested. Therefore, besides learning ethics related to patients, Indonesian doctors should learn English or other foreign languages. Who knows that Indonesia would be one of the medical tourism which would be developed by government,” he uttered.
On the other hand, Dean of FKIK UMY, dr. H. Ardi Pramono, Sp. An., M.Kes. stated that besides treating patients, a doctor should be responsible for taking care of patients’ health before getting sick. Thus, doctors are required to provide a precaution before and after getting sick. It is the duty of doctors.
“If there is society coming for treatment, there should be guilt why I could not make my society health. Thus, doctors are required to provide preventive and promotive. It could be carried out through opening clinic in pratama or a hospital, fitness center, obesity center, or club of cholesterol sufferers. Hence, the society who would treat because of illness could be prevented in order that they are not sick. This is the duty for all doctors. The paradigm has change now so that creating healthy community is not only treating sick community but also coining healthy community,” he elucidated.