The COVID-19 pandemic has become a serious threat to many countries, including Indonesia. The increase in the number of patients has encouraged the research team at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta and Universitas Gadjah Mada to conduct joint research with the Global Challenge Research Fund (GCRF), Heriot-Watt University. This joint study analyzes the Indonesian people’s behavior and the readiness of health facilities in Indonesia. The research was led by Professor Arnab Bhattacharjee, Professor and Head of Economics Fellow, National Institute of Economic & Social Research, Heriot-Watt University.
The quantitative side of this study was assessed using the Epidemic Preparedness Index. Furthermore, this study also uses the COM-B model analysis which focuses on the changes in people’s behavior during a pandemic.
The research results show that the spread of COVID-19 intensified during the Eid homecoming season. The number of cases also increased when entering the New Normal or “New Adaptation of Habits” era which was accompanied by loosening of government policies.
Novat Pugo Sambodo MIDEC., A researcher from the UGM Center for Health Insurance Financing and Management Policy (KPMAK), stated that during the pandemic, the Pandemic Preparedness Index (EPI) was used to show the level of preparedness of each region to face the COVID-19 pandemic. “However, the results from the Pandemic Preparedness Index (EPI) related to the Death Rate (CFR) and the Recovery Rate (RR) cannot be used as a benchmark for the increased mortality and the number of positive cases. Therefore, we plan to increase the calculation of CFR and RR based on additional considerations that are currently not covered by current estimates,” he explained in a zoom meeting held by UMY and UGM on Thursday (19/8).
Based on the epidemiological triad, in addition to environmental factors supported by public health infrastructure, community behavior also affected the increase of positive cases. “Therefore, to reduce the spread of the virus, behavioral change as a form of public awareness is very important,” continued Novat.
Recently, the WHO stated that the Coronavirus is not only transmitted through droplets when sneezing, coughing or talking without wearing a mask, but also through airborne transmission. “The responsibility of the central and local governments is not only to provide adequate health facilities, but also to increase public awareness. The health protocol is condensed into 3M, namely Mencuci Tangan, Memakai Masker dan Menjaga Jarak’ (Hand washing, wearing masks and maintaining distance). Limiting mobility and adhering to public health protocols are essential to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Our research results are in the form of policy summaries and public service advertisements or PSAs presented in audio-visual and infographics. ILM will be used as a warning to the public,” explained Dyah Titis Kusuma Wardani, MIDEC., A researcher from the UMY Faculty of Economics and Business.
Furthermore, dr. Rakhmat Ari Wibowo, M.Sc (FK-KMK UGM researcher) stated that the increase transmission cases was exacerbated by a lack of public understanding of the transmission of COVID-19 and the rise of fake news about COVID-19. “Environmental factors, social influences, local government policies, religious motives, economic opportunities, socio-cultural factors, and personal choices can be causes or obstacles to preventive behavior. However, this qualitative finding was only analyzed by one researcher, so there is still the possibility of subjectivity. We will continue to analyze the qualitative results of the two researchers independently to reduce the possibility of subjectivity, then we will publish the results as soon as possible, “he said.
Hopefully, the results of this research can increase the government’s awareness to design the right policy, as suggested by Romi Bhakti Hartarto M.Ec, a researcher from the UMY Economic Study Program who is also the Head Investigator (Co-PI) from Heriot-Watt University. “It is our hope that by working together, the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic can be stopped,” he said. (Hbb)