
UMY Continues To Lead Lecturers To Publish Monographs, Textbooks, and Reference Books

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta continues to encourage the academic community, especially lecturers to create articles and publish them in national and international journals, as well as publishing books such as Monographs, Textbooks, and Reference Books. To that end, UMY provided a socialization opportunity regarding scientific publications by holding a Book Camp for lecturers that was held by the UMY Office of Research, Publication, and Community Service (LP3M) in Ballroom Room on the 6th Floor of the Crystal Lotus Hotel, Wednesday (26/2).

UMY is very committed to lecturers who excel and are willing to put their work in written form. The Vice-rector of Academic Affairs Dr. Ir. Sukamta, MT., IPM., emphasized this in his remarks at the Book Camp. “University leaders want to continue to encourage lecturers to work. We have provided facilities for those who want to publish their works, 10 million for monographs, 15 million for textbooks, and 30 million for reference books. These funds will be regulated by LP3M.”

However, there are several criteria that need to be considered by lecturers in their research, so they do not just publish any research. “The minimum print for reference books is 50 copies, for textbooks 50 to 75 copies, and for Monographs 25 to 50 books. For UMY lecturers, the minimum pages for monographs, textbooks, reference books are 100 pages. The preparation of articles is also funded by the campus, with one complete article receiving a funding of 2.5 million, if, for example, it can be published in an accredited National and International journal there will be an award for those whose journals, whether it is SINTA 1 to SINTA 6, “added Sukamta.

This effort is expected to motivate lecturers to continue working in the midst of their busy teaching schedule. Because writing is one of the practices that need to be conducted by lecturers according to the Tri Dharma program (Educating, Teaching, and Researching). He hopes that the drafting process can be collected in early June. “I instructed LP3M to change the schedule for collecting drafts from 1 to 10 August to the beginning of June,” said Sukamta, who also teaches at the Mechanical Engineering Department of UMY.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Scientific Publication Facilities Sub-Directorate of Kemenristekdikti, Dr. Hanif Arif., ST, MAP, revealed criteria for a good book that need to be applied by lecturers. “A good book must be written by a competent writer in the field, published by a scientific body, organization or college. edited by experts, proper languages and illustrations, have an International Standard Book Number (ISBN), as well as being thicker than 40 pages according to the format of UNESCO, “he said. (Hbb)