Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) provides grant accounted 195 million rupiahs for 39 retired employees. “The grant is financial capital to start a business,” stated Vice-Chancellor II, DR. Suryo Pratolo, M.Si., Akt. on Friday (13/5) at A.R.Fachruddin A, Floor 4.
The grant was given to the employees who had proposed a business proposal for the next five years before getting retired. It was expected to rise entrepreneurship of UMY’s employees. “The grant is for various businesses which may benefit the employees and society,” he wished.
The grant was awarded to Sadad, Ayub Ngoro, Sukaswati, Haryono, Karti Wuryanto, Saat Arifin, Sariningsih, Supitarto, Heru Wiyono, Bambang Basuki, TH. Sulistyowati, Surni Widianti, Muslich Hidayat, Akhmad Haryanto, Nur Hasyim, Basuki Yogawan, Sahlan, Sukirno, Sujanatun, Ponimin, Yusuf Adni, Muhajir, R. Bambang Arintoko, Maryono, Sunarti, Sri Haryana, Trisaryono, Boiman, M. Ardani, Jamhari, Maryam, Prasetyo, Samsuri, Budi Raharjo, Wantoro, Sujudi, Sukadi, Supardwiyono, and Toto Budi Setiawan.
“May the 39 people be able to foster economy and may their success inspire other people,” he hoped.