Indonesia Robot Contest (KRI) will secondly conducted at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY). To prepare for the contest, Rector of UMY and KRI committee had a meeting with regional police of the Republic of Indonesia (Polda) of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY). The UMY party was welcomed by Kapolda of DIY Brigjen Pol. Drs. Ahmad Dofiri, M.Si. on Friday (18/5).
Rector of UMY, Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, M.P. stated that it is an honor to be selected to be the host of the KRI. “Three years ago, the KRI was organized at UMY and Alhamdulillah this year we are trusted to host the event again,” he expressed. Recognizing UMY capability in holding both national and national events, UMY is ready for the KRI. However, Gunawan added that his party believed that security of the event should be enhanced due to a lot of recent terrorism issues.
“We think that the KRI needs more security since robotic components are similar to bomb components such as cables and magnets so that we must cooperate with Polda DIY,” explained Gunawan. He was optimistic that the KRI will run well although the security becomes the main issue.
Meanwhile, Brigjen Pol. Drs. Ahmad Dofiri, M.Si. congratulate UMY on being the host of the KRI. “We warmly welcome the event because it also brings the existence of Yogyakarta in a national level,” he declared. Noticing that UMY was the host of the KRI and ABU Asia-Pacific Robocon, Kapolda DIY is sure that UMY is well-prepared for hosting the event.
Kapolda DIY agreed that the security of the KRI should be increased because of terrorism issues occurring recently. “We believe that 40 percent of the security system is dealing with parking, and we will focus on the other security in sectors of participants, spectators, and others,” he mentioned. Kapolda said that communication and coordination are crucial. He expected that that the KRI can run well and trauma of terrorism issues can diminish.