UMY Magz

UMY Magz Edisi 1 - 2020

Hal. 03 | David : Hidupkan Rumah Baca Komunitas 

Page 03 | David : Rejuvenate The Komunitas Rumah Baca

Hal. 07 | KKN 3T: Bakti Pada Bangsa di Perbatasan Negara

Page 07 | KKN 3T: Serving The Nation In The State Border

Hal. 13 | The Untold Story Of Genesia: Gempa Lombok 2018

Page 13 | The Untold Story Of Genesia: The 2018 Lombok Earthquake

Hal. 17 | Kokoda, Suku Nomaden Yang Bertahan di Era Modern

Page 17 | Kokoda, A Nomadic Tribe In A Modern Era

Hal. 21 | Bioskop Keliling dan Literasi Film

Page 21 | Bioskop Keliling And Film Literacy

Hal. 25 | UMY Mengabdi

Page 25 | UMY Mengabdi

UMY Magz Edisi 2 - 2021

Profil / Profile

Hal. 03 | Perjalanan Panjang Al-Afik dan Kerelawanan

Page. 03 | The Long Journey of Al-Afik and Volunteerism

Hal. 07 | Dari Hobi untuk Berbagi

Page. 07 | From Hobby to Charity

Mozaik / Mosaic

Hal. 11 | Menelisik Perkeretaapian Indonesia: Sumbangsih Akademisi untuk Negeri

Page. 11 | Investigating Indonesian Railways: An Academic’s Contribution to the Country

Hal. 17 | Misi Kembalikan Kepercayaan Publik pada Lembaga Peradilan

Page. 17 | The Mission to Get Public Trust in the Judiciary Back

Bincang Pakar Pangan / Talk to Experts: Food

Hal. 21 | Ketahanan Pangan dalam Genggaman Kita Bersama

Page. 21 | Food Security is in Our Hands

Bincang Pakar Komunikasi / Talk to Experts: Communication

Hal. 25 | Era Hyperconnectivity, Potensi dan Tantangan Komunikasi

Page. 25 | The era of Hyperconnectivity: Potency, and Challenges in Communication

Bincang Pakar Pendidikan / Talk to Experts: Education

Hal. 31 | Mengakrabi Disrupsi Pendidikan dengan Pembelajaran yang Bermakna

Page. 31 | Getting to Know Educational Disruption and Meaningful Learning

Bincang Pakar Ekonomi / Talk to Experts: Economy

Hal. 37 | Menerawang Ekonomi Indonesia di Tengah Ketidakpastian

Page. 37 | Looking into Indonesia’s Economy Amid Uncertainty

Lipsus (Liputan Khusus)

Hal. 41 | Ikhtiar Menuju Sehat, UMY Berikan 17.000 Dosis Vaksin

Page. 41 | UMY Provides 17,000 Doses of Vaccines to Achieve Healthier Life

UMY Magz Special Edition | June 2022

Page 01 | With an International Atmosphere, the 7th International Culinary Festival is Held Offline

Page 03 | Being an International Student in the Young and Global Campus

Page 07 | The 4th ICOSI 2020 Achieves MURI Record of International Webinar with Most Disciplines 

Page 09 | Serving the Nation in the State Border 

Page 15 | Kokoda, A Nomadic Tribe in a Modern Era

Page 19| Ambassador of Bangladesh Inaugurates Bangladesh Corner UMY

Page 21 | UMY French Corner Visited Paris Bakery to Learn French Culture

Page 23 | The United States Embassy and Consulates in Indonesia Collaborates with American Corner of UMY to Conduct Extensive Reading Workshop

Page 25 | American Corner of UMY Celebrates Internationa Jazz Day by Holding UMY Jazz

Page 27 | UMY Provides 17,000 Doses of Vaccines to Achieve Healthier Life

Page 31 | UMY Distributes 1,600 Logistical Packages to Students

Page 33 | UMY Provides Suhoor and Iftar Meals to Students

Page 35 | UMY Distributes Face Shields to PKU MUhammadiyah and DIY Regional Police

Page 37 | UMY Distributes Logistics Package for Students, Society, and Media Partners

UMY Magz Edisi 3 - 2022

Profil / Profile

Hal. 01 | Prof. Ir. Agus Setyo Muntohar, Ph.D (Eng) : Kontribusi Sebagai Ilmuwan Dunia dan Peduli Mutu PT Indonesia

Page. 01 |Prof. Ir. Agus Setyo Muntohar, Ph.D.(Eng.): Contributions of the World’s Most Influential Scientist and His Concern for the Quality of Higher Education in Indonesia

Hal. 07 | Prof. Dr. Dyah Mutiarin, S.IP., M.Si : Menepis Stigma Pendidikan Tinggi Perempuan 

Page. 07 | Prof. Dr. Dyah Mutiarin, S.I.P.,M.Si.: The First Female Professor of UMY

UMY Mengabdi / UMY Mengabdi

Hal. 11 | Dharma Bakti Sang Dokter Gigi Anak

Page. 11 | Devotion of a Pediatric Dentist

Page. 17 | Rahmawati Husein : Aktivis Mitigasi Bencana yang Ahli Tata Kota

Page. 17 | Rahmawati Husein: The Disaster Mitigation Activist and Expert In Urban Planning

Mozaik / Mosaic

Hal. 23 | Beribahasa : Dari Kelas Bahasa Jadi Usaha

Page. 23 |Beribahasa: From Language Class to Thriving Business

Hal. 29 | Tangan Kebaikan Alif dan Weslic

Page. 29 | Helping Hands of Alif and his Company, PT Wesclic

Hal. 35 | Mengenal Yasir, Juara Pilmapres UMY

Page. 35 | Yasir, the Winner of the Pilmapres of UMY

Hal. 39 | Segudang Manfaat Publikasi Jurnal Mahasiswa : Kisah Blestri Lulus Cepat Jalur Jurnal

Page. 39 | Myriad Benefits of Student Journal Publication: Blestri’s Graduation Journey

Lipsus (Liputan Khusus) / Exclusive Report

Hal. 43 | UMY Targetkan Masuk QS WUR Tahun 2030

Page. 43 | UMY Aims to be Listed in QS WUR 2030

UMY Magz Edisi 4 - 2023

Profil / Profile

Hal. 1 | Kisah Titiek, Dokter yang Mentransformasikan Terapi Akupuntur jadi Pengobatan Insomnia

Page. 1 | The Story of Titiek, the doctor that Evolved Acupuncture Therapy into Cure for Insomnia

Hal. 6 | Sang Ustadz Sampah yang Ubah Brajan Jadi Oase Penuh Berkah

Page. 6 | The Garbage Chaplain that Transformed Brajan into a Blessed Oasis

Lipsus (Liputan Khusus) / Special Report

Hal. 11 | SDGs, Ikhtiar UMY Wujudkan Asa Kesejahteraan Dunia

Page. 11 | SDGs, UMY’s Vow to Create a Prosperous World

Mozaik / Mosaic

Hal. 15 | Erika, dan Rompi Pelancar ASI-nya

Page. 15 | Erika and Her Invention, The Lactation Vest

Hal. 21 | Akhir Kisah Jelantah

Page. 21 | End of the Road of the Used Cooking Oil

Hal. 25 | Mengungkap Inovasi Mengejutkan dalam Struktur Balas Jalan Kereta Api 

Page. 25 | Revealing Shocking Innovations in the Infrastructure of Train Track

Hal. 31 | Meningkatkan Produktivitas Edamame dengan Bakteri Rhizobium sp

Page. 31 | Increasing Edamame Production with Rhizobium sp Bacteria

Hal. 33 | Memasak Dengan Sisa Metabolisme dan Pencernaan Manusia

Page. 33 | Cooking with Residues of Human Metabolism and Digestive System

UMY Mengabdi

Hal. 39 | Dari UMY untuk Korban Gempa Cianjur 

Page. 39 | Contribution from UMY for the Victims of the Cianjur Earthquake

Hal. 45 | UMY Berikan Solusi Pengolahan dan Pemilahan Sampah

Page. 45 | UMY Provides a Solution for Garbage Sorting and Processing