
UMY MUM KKN Team 008 Help Improve Learningat SD Muhammadiyah Jarakan

Online learning is currently one way to keep learning activities going in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially for schools. However, not all schools have the ability to adapt to online learning. This is the reason the Muhammadiyah Mengajar KKN Team 008 of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (KKN MUM 008 UMY) conducted several community service activities to help teachers and students of SD Muhammadiyah Jarakan from July to August 2020.

One of the activities carried out by the KKN MUM 008 UMY team was holding a focus group discussion session on Wednesday (18/8) to provide an overview to the teaching staff regarding the content of the digital learning that will be delivered by the KKN MUM 008 team. This session was accompanied by Anita A’isah, S.Psi., MPsi as Field Supervisor (DPL).

Dr. Aris Slamet Widodo, S.P, M.Sc, Head of the UMY LP3M Community Service Division said that the Muhammadiyah Mengajar KKN is an implementation of UMY catur dharma as a Muhammadiyah University. “The aim of this KKN program is an implementation of UMY catur dharma and to help teachers with the learning process amid the current pandemic,” he explained when contacted on Saturday (22/8).

In addition to helping teachers increase their creativity in the learning process, the KKN MUM Team 008 also held a video making competition aimed at students at SD Muhammadiyah Jarakan which was held to coincide with the commemoration of Indonesian Independence Day. This competition was followed by all students from grade 1 to grade 6 and 3 winners were taken from each category (the small group category were class 1 to class 3, while the large group category were classes 4 to 6).

Tatik Purwantari, S.Pd, Principal of SD Muhammadiyah Jarakan said that the activity carried out by the KKN MUM Team 008 aims to develop the potential of students of SD Muhammadiyah Jarakan. “The purpose of holding this competition is to commemorate Indonesia’s 75th Anniversary and to develop the potential of students so that students can be more daring to express themselves and not feel inferior, “he explained.

Furthermore, Muhammad Fahrul Risky, Head of the KKN MUM Team 008 said that some of these community service work programs were carried out to help teachers and students during the pandemic in order to increase the creativity of the teaching staff in delivering teaching materials. “Elementary level education is very important because elementary school can shape the character of students in the future for the Indonesian nation. In addition, this program also aims to improve school governance and increase teacher creativity to be more creative in implementing distance learning and provide creative space for students in the midst of a pandemic, especially during a pandemic, when many schools need assistance,” he concluded. (Sofia)