The number of visiting professors of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) is getting greater. To facilitate them, UMY officially inaugurated Professor’s Guest House. The inauguration was conducted on Wednesday (1/3).
Rector of UMY Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, M.P. informed, “The Professor’s Guest House can be utilized by visiting professors doing short visit or having long stay. We invited visiting professors from Maejo University and Kon Khaen University, but we could not provide a homestay.”
Meanwhile, Vice Chancellor III of UMY Sri Atmaja P. Ropsyidi, S.T., M.Sc., Eng., Ph.D., PE. told, “Before the Professor’s Guest House was established, UMY rent guest houses or houses in several areas for the visiting professors. By the establishment, the professors can move the Professor’s Guest House of UMY.”
Sri added that UMY will invite a number of visiting professors from overseas universities. “We would like to invite professors from Republic of Korea, People’s Republic of China, Taiwan, South Africa, and several European countries. However, the invitation schedule will be decided by department parties of UMY. The professors cannot fully teach at UMY for a year. For instance, Professor Pattric is an inbound visiting professor so that, if he is required to teach in another institution, he will do distance learning. We get a little bit difficulty to find visiting professors to teach a year at UMY,” Sri said.
Additionally, the Professor’s Guest House started to be established on August 25, 2016 with 576 m2 of the area. Reported by Bagus Soebandono, S.T., M.Eng., the Professor’s Guest House consists of two floors with 1 front office, 9 rooms, 1 management room, and two lobbies.
“Each room is 4.8 m x 7.2 m in size with a longue, television, dispenser, refrigerator, dining table, sofa, pantry, 120×200 cm single bed, wardrobe, table, desk, 1.8×1.8 cm bathroom with a toilet, hot and cold shower, and sink. Besides, the other facilities are electrical system with card switch, air conditioner with 2 PK (Paard Kratch), LED lamps, and an internet connection. The construction itself took for five month and cost 2,211 billion rupiahs,” Bagus explained.