
UMY Optimizes Human Resources and Information System for AIPT – A 2017



Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) conducted Annual Meeting (RKT) 2015 on Thursday (11/8) at A.R. Fachruddin A, Floor 5. The annual meeting aimed at arranging Operational Program (RENOP) for academic year 2015/2016. It raised a theme of “Development of Academic Culture and Cooperation through Optimizing Human Resources & Information System to Achieve Accreditation of AIPT – A”. The theme had been deliberated on Pre RKT I and II. A moderator Dr. Bambang Jatmiko, S.E., M.Si. stated, “The theme has been discussed twice, on a discussion on 31 July and on Pre RKT I and II on 8 August.”

Attending RKT 2015 were rector, vice chancellors, deans, dean assistants, department heads, and representatives of UMY’s units. It pointed at socializing Strategic Program (Renstra) of UMY 2015-2020, and presenting assessment results comprising of Unit Performance Evaluation (UKUK), Internal Non Academic Quality Audit (AMNAI), and Monev of Competence-Based Curriculum (KBK). Besides, the RKT also discussed the report of UMY’s business units, arranged University Policy (AKU) of UMY academic year 2015/2016, determined Program Priority of each affair, synchronized and shared information of guideline of APB UMY, Platform of unit budget, and determined programs of UMY academic year 2015/2016.

Fostering academic culture at UMY, optimizing human resources, and enhancing information system for Higher Education Institution Academy (AIPT) accredited A, a number of departments were required to achieve ‘A’ accreditation. Bringing them into reality, encouragement of all parties is essential. Rector of UMY Prof. Dr. Bambang Cipto, M.A. in a remark delivered, “AIPT will be carried out in the next two years. Thus, we wish that all parties would support entirely.”

Furthermore, Head of Daily Advisor Board (BPH) Prof. Dr. Syamsul Anwar, M.A. conveyed that actualizing AIPT UMY accredited A is necessitated to evolve performance and commitment so that ‘A’ accreditation will be maintained. Prof. Syamsul also asserted that UMY has been developing and become one of the main choices of community. It is displayed that the number of prospective students is elevating each year. Moreover, UMY facilitates the students to be able to recite Al-Qur’an. “Having a tagline ‘Unggul dan Islami’, it is expected that UMY’s graduates are able to study Islam deeper and recite Al-Qur’an well. BPH also will create a CD or utilize YouTube for UMY’s students who can recite Al-Qur’an well. For one reason, it will be a link between UMY and community,” he affirmed.

Additionally, RKT held on 11-12 Agust was expected to coin programs for UMY development so that national and international community will consider that UMY is an excellent university. Realizing it needs intention. “UMY can be developed since our prosperity lifts as will. The significance is an intention. If the intention is good, Allah will show the way,” ended Prof. Syamsul.