
Vice-Regent of Bantul: Differences Generate Notions and Innovation


Differences are common, but they may lead to the emergence of the new idea and innovation. “Fanatical attitude should be avoided when confronting the dissent,” stated Abdul Halim Muslih, Bantul vice-regent in public lecture held by Student Executive Board (BEM) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) and Indonesian Islamic Youth Assembly (MPII) on Thursday (24/3) at AR Fachrudin B.

To understand the distinctions, we have to identify our own ideology and respect other people’s argument. “The society has to realize that their own ideology and perspectives are not the only one to be justified over the other society” he argued.

The enthusiasm to face diversity should be laid on our basic principal ‘Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity)’ and basic values of Pancasila (Indonesia’s five-point ideology). He added, “The Unitary State of Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) or death means that, even though we are different, the basic values of unity must be upheld”

Abdul conveyed that the role of Islamic youth generations is needed to reduce any kind of conflicts in the society. “The young generations that have academic background are necessary to take a part on reducing any conflicts in society like racism and anarchism”.

In that public lecture the delegation of Central MPII officially announced MPII for Yogyakarta region.