A francophone refers to a county using French as an official language, and there are 37 francophones in the world. To commemorate International Francophonie Day on 20 March, Warung Prancis of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) conducted Pekan Francophonie.
Director of Warung Prancis of UMY Puthut Ardianto, M.Pd. informed that the Pekan Francophonie was organized on 18-20 March 2019. Participants were invited to taste cuisine from ten francophones.
Besides, the Warung Prancis organized Kahoot Championship, crafting from used magazines, and France Movie Marathon. The Francophonie aimed to promote cross-cultural understanding to UMY students and other participants. Puthut conveyed that the cultural understanding is an asset for Indonesian young generations to reach their future. Thus, the Warung Prancis of UMY is expected to contribute to students’ development and to be able to provide a medium for students to learn culture and French through creative programs by the Waring Prancis of UMY.
Meanwhile, Vice Rector for Students, Alumni, Islam and Muhammadiyah Teaching of UMY Hilman Latief, M.A., Ph.D. delivered that UMY will always be consistent to achieve its goal to be an international reputable university. UMY will support all cross-cultural programs as this Pekan Francophonie. “UMY will boost students to develop their potentials. I wish that the Warung Prancis is a place for not only hanging out but also enhancing students’ ability. Insya Allah, several students of UMY will have a student exchange program next year,” he asserted.