
Weakening Rupiah May Not Hamper Public to Invest



Rupiah exchange rate weakens toward US dollar may not hamper Indonesian people to invest since there are other benefits to be gained. For instance, the descent of company price provides an occasion for other people to invest in stock. In addition, the small number of investors in Indonesia needs to be a concern. Thus, public ought to recognize what and how investment is.

“There are 250 million Indonesia people, yet only a few have invested. This circumstance underlay Indonesia Stock Exchange and Financial Service Authority (OJK) to share the merits of investment. Encouraging it, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) possesses an investment gallery cooperating with another higher education, stock exchanges, and stock companies. There are 130 investment galleries in Indonesia now. Elevating the number, educating public regarding investment is necessary, for example, through talk shows or seminars,” conveyed Nicky Hogan as Development Head of PT Bursa Efek Indonesia as a speaker of ‘Talk Show Investasi Reksadana Syariah’ on Monday (31/8) at Sportorium of UMY.

Nicky inserted that investment comprises 2 types, namely conventional and Islamic investment. The distinction is that Islamic investment is in line with Islamic values. 500 companies have gone to public in Indonesia Stock Exchange and 2/3 of the stocks are based on Islamic teaching. “One thing to do to have investment is investing in a capital market. For one reason, several products are included in stocks, mutual funds, and obligations. What should to comprehend is that investment through savings and mutual funds is distinctive. Savings may not increase the money, but investment by mutual funds may do,” he elucidated.

Education of Islamic mutual funds is essential, particularly for students, since they are a part of public. They also have vital roles to encourage public more advanced. “Students necessitate being educated regarding Islamic mutual funds earlier. For one reason, human productivity period occurs only 1/3 while 2/3 is not productivity period. They may become troublesome because of their independence. If we invest 100,000 rupiahs each month, we will obtain 1.2 billion rupiahs when we are retired. Investing 100,000 may not turn us poor, but we gain much more money,” stated Kusumonegoro as a President Director of PT Manulife Indonesia Asset Managemen.

Kusumonegoro argued that students ought to be aware of investment because they will later engage in public. Being ready or not, they have to involve in public and earn money. “Do not waste our productive time to go shopping. Success and barrier are similar so we have to be smart to handle it. Each action must be the consequence so that we should confront all of them. Besides, students are examples and guides of public,” he contended.

Additionally, Mutual funds have several types and options. “The definition of mutual funds in sciences is adequate hard. I have read five times but I do not understand, still. Mutual funds commonly refer to saving together, or can be analogized as a cup of coffee that there is the coffee type, the barista, and the manager. Imagine that the cup of coffee is money, the barista is an investor, and the manager is the one who will manage your money, and the cup is a place of investment. To conclude, mutual funds are safe as well as legal, and are monitored by OJK each day. In an investment, the greater amount of money we invest, the bigger the risk is, and vice versa,” affirmed Kusumonegoro.

Furthemore, a vocalist of Nidji Giring asserted that we never acknowledge how our future is so that we have to anticipate it. “Star Sindrom is a disease, but it is valuable. When we are getting famed, we attempt to spend our money. The effects of the money are feeling like sense of having power, freedom, safety, and being helpful for our love. The other effect is that we have a lot of choices. Thus, we ought to invest for ourselves,” he told.

Giring continued that mutual funds encompass mutual fund shares, fixed income funds, money market mutual funds. “We can select the mutual funds base on what we need. For example, we can choose fixed income funds for educational fee, or mutual fund shares for buying a house.

Giring emphasized that investment is not dealing with gamble, but buying share implies having a company. In fact, rich people in the world also invest stocks, yet we may not be a speculator. “It means that we have to learn how to invest from people who always do share purchase. When Indonesia confronts inflation, it is our opportunity to invest since a lot of companies give discount. 1 lot cost 500, but now 1 lot cost 100. This is our chance to invest,” he emphasized.

Three of them expected that the educational program may enhance students’ knowledge and they can change public mindset to invest through mutual funds which may diminish the inflation. In addition, having 4500 investors may bring positive impacts for others. “Fortune has been arranged so that we need to produce something valuable for others that is through investment,” Kusumonegoro asserted.